Friday, September 23, 2011
2005-2007 Jeep Liberty BX1122

The BX8869 isavailable for the vehicle. Attachment Tabs are 20 inches center to center and a height of 19 inches.3. Lift the two tabs on the top edge of grillbetween headlights and pull grill center forwardto release tabs.4. Pull the top of grill forward and up, set grillaside. Remove the metric bolt just below theheadlight assembly with the 10MM socket, bothsides.5. Remove the two christmas tree push pinsjust forward of the front tire, on wheel well, boltsides. Note: Some 2005 models may haverivets in place of the christmas tree. Removewith side cutters.1. Using the 20 torx socket, remove the two metricbolts from the top edge of grill. NOTE: Somemodels may not have the torx metric bolts on thetop edge of grill.2. Lift tab just above headlight assembly andpull that portion of the grill forward to release tab,both sides.6. Remove christmas tree push pin fromlower edge of wheel well just forward offront tire, both sides (view of passenger’sside).”’ download here