Monday, June 13, 2011

The Acura ® electro 925 model

The Acura ® electro includes microprocessor controlled motor. The four models cover a range of 0,5 µl up to 1 000 volumes. Intelligent software allows programming of the five pipetting regimes in any available field. Increase pipetting flexibility, the electronic control unit accommodates all removable volume modules (lower Assembly).

Without pipetting stress
The Acura ® electro-fit for each hand, with or without gloves. Large pipetting series are no longer of interest to the operator. The feeling that everyone will appreciate.

The unique "to the left or right"
View the reading, that the user immediately Converts the information displayed to the right or left side reading. All the necessary information at a glance when programming, pipetting and calibration steps.

Natural ergonomy
Carefully designed, the Acura ® electro offers shape, balance and working ergonomy, reminiscent of those hand tools. But the comfort is significantly improved, and the result of the consistency of the pipetting are just excellent.
